
Our Story
Lantz died suddenly and tragically in March 2020 at the age of 22. When we lost our precious boy, we asked that anyone who wanted to send flowers in his memory, instead make donations to the rescue that we both love so much. We thought that we might get a few donations and that we could help a few dogs because of him.
​As amazing as we knew he was, we could have never imagined the impact that Lantz had on people. Donations to Pawsitive Tails came pouring in. The outpouring of love and support from everyone was incredible and overwhelming. We began to realize that we needed to do something special with the money that was donated in his name and wanted it to be something to make a difference, but we didn’t know exactly what. We began thinking and one morning, I woke up and it just came to me.
A conversation that I had with Lantz a few months ago. There was a dog that we were contacted about by a dog trainer friend for help because his owners couldn’t afford his care, and he was having a life or death emergency. We had asked if they wanted to surrender him to our rescue so that we could get him care with our vets. His owners did not want to surrender. His name was Pepe. He was going to die without vet care. His vet care was going to be very expensive. I was talking to Lantz about him, and mulling over what to do, when Lantz asked “why should they have to surrender their dog just to get it care? If they’re good owners and the dog is loved, they should get to keep their dog. Can’t we just help them and not take him away from them? Mom. A dog shouldn't lose the family who loves him just because his family doesn't have the money. If something happened to Kayto, I wouldn't be able to pay for it. Should I lose Kayto because I don't have thousands of dollars?" Kayto is a Siberian Husky that was surrendered to our rescue at 4 months old, and adopted by Lantz. Kayto was like Lantz's child, he took him everywhere and loved him beyond words. We helped Pepe. Pepe lived and he stayed with his family. I knew then that THIS is what Lantz would want us to do.
The Lantz Tucker memorial fund was born, with the goal to help owned pets in urgent need to get the care they need and to stay with the owners who love them. We are honored, overwhelmed and humbled that so many generous donors keep us going so that we can continue to help so many. Thank you to every one of you who donated in my boys’ name, and those who continue to do so. I know he is smiling knowing how many lives are being helped. We will make him proud.